Originally published in STIR®

Apartment Therapy
Connecting apartment dwellers to a variety of resources, ideas and community links to help make their homes beautiful, organized and healthy.

BluLabel Bungalow
This site aims to extinguish the myth that style and budget are mutually exclusive. It offers advice and tips on effectively translating one's fashion aesthetic into one's home environment. Includes interviews from top design professionals as well as coverage of interior design events.

Color Matters
Explores how color affects physiology, psychology, philosophy, design and art. The Web site is interactive for discussion.

Color Sizzle
Offers design advice, color coaching, project management and event-decorating ideas.

Colour Lovers
Anything that involves color, patterns, fashion and design is included - from where to find color products, how to incorporate color in weddings and other events, and how people interact with color.

Design Milk
Ready for your daily dose of vitamin D (that's "D" for design!)? An online magazine dedicated to modern design, Design Milk offers what's new in art, architecture, interior design, furniture and decor, fashion and technology. Always fresh + never sour, Design Milk fills your thirsty cup to the brim with design finds from around the world. Drink up!

Desire to Inspire
Highlights inspiring and interesting rooms, with an emphasis on design, color, architecture, furniture and accessories.

Donna Vining
Design Perspective is a blog dedicated to providing information on all aspects (including the details) of designing your dream home/space.  We are excited to show you the latest trends, fun finds, the how to's, and showcase work by favorite interior designers. We want to educate about our professional world and how all those pretty pictures really happen.

Eiseman Color Blog
This color expert and consultant shares inspiring information on color news, trends, facts and perceptions.

Focuses on inspiring architecture designs for houses and other indoor and outdoor living spaces, unique furniture pieces, home gadgets, and decorating tips and ideas.

Hue Consulting
Shares insights and inspirations on color and color findings in architecture, design and marketing. Also offers architectural color consultations for home or business.

The site focuses on forward-thinking, high-tech and environmentally conscious design in fashion, products, architecture and technology, and investigates emerging trends in these areas.

Jamie Gold
My Sensible Style approach to design carries through my writing, seminars and consultations, as well as the new kitchens and baths I create for my clients. It's about products that fit their buyers' lifestyles, homes and budget, rather than just current fads. It's about durability and low maintenance, as well as great looks.

Karen Mills Interior Design
Features information and insights from top designers on the latest design trends from around the world, including information on color, fabric, accessories and more.

Kerrie Kelly
Award-winning Interior Designer & Author
Everyone deserves great design

Patricia Gray
What's hot in interior design, including new and emerging trends in architecture, furniture, decor, fabric, color and art.

PlumSiena is where Ann Onusko shares her passion for color and design. Patinas and textures especially catch her eye. Posting daily, Onusko is constantly inspired by her work, travels and fellow bloggers. The garden is also her muse and is a prime source of what she finds beautiful.

Sensational Color
Information, resources, advice and tips on how to design with color inside and outside the home. Includes origins, meaning, symbolism and psychology of color.

SoccioRodriguez Design
An informative, lighthearted look at design, creativity and interconnectivity. In addition to housing a host of untried combinations that provide fresh and intriguing perspectives on the world of design, the site also contains curious facts and trends about design and stained glass.

Style By Emily Henderson
HGTV Host/Designer Stylist and Blogger

Tobi Fairley blog
Tobi's design blog, created in September 2008, is currently read in more than 124 countries worldwide. In 2010, Tobi introduced her DIY design service, InBox Interiors, and launched her popular intensive courses and programs, including Design A-to-Z, Designer MBA, and her MasterMind mentoring program.  Designers, business pros, and design enthusiasts alike have attended these programs from across the United States and Canada with rave reviews.

Wendy and the Blue Giraffe
A whimsical and practical guide to enjoying your home and decorating your life.

ASID – American Society of Interior Designers
ASID is a community of people driven by a common love for design and committed to the belief that interior design, as a service to people, is a powerful, multi-faceted profession that can positively change people's lives.

IIDA- International Interior Design Association
IIDA strives to create a niche for the most talented and visionary Interior Design professional to elevate the profession to the level it warrants.

IDS- Interior Design Society
An independent national organization for more than 3,000 members strong.  One of the largest design organizations dedicated to serving the residential interior design industry.